Professional therapy services
in Johannesburg.

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom"

~ Aristotle

Meet your Therapist, Safia Dockrat

I'm a passionate clinical psychologist who works with both individuals and couples. My goal is to help you grow, heal, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

Meet Safia Dockrat

Adult Individual Therapy

People attend individual therapy for different reasons. ​​I specialise in offering psychotherapy to help you manage mental, emotional, and behavioural issues to cultivate a more fulfilling life.

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Couples Therapy

Through couple's therapy, a romantic couple can strengthen their relationship by better understanding their difficulties and dynamics and addressing relevant concerns in a constructive manner.

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My Therapeutic Approach

  • Holistic, integrative care
  • Comprehensive treatment
  • Cultural inclusivity
  • A non-judgmental and compassionate approach

I understand that seeking help takes courage, and I honour the trust you place in me.

With a focus on psychodynamic therapy, I enjoy working relationally. I believe in the transformative power of using self-awareness to explore past relationships and experiences to navigate the present challenges, gaining insight into the underlying dynamics that influence your behaviour, thoughts, feelings, and relationships.

I endeavour to provide a safe, non-judgmental space where you can freely express your thoughts, emotions, and concerns.


I look forward to working together with you to promote your growth and well-being.